
Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Last weekend Stan and I were able to complete 3 new lintels on the front of our house. I did the priming and painting and Stan did all the hard work - measuring each window, making the lintel from scratch to fit each window perfectly and finally getting on the ladder and securing them to the house :) I think he did a great job. I was a bit nervous about how this would look, but as usual Stan knew what he was doing. We still need to paint the trim to match the lintel but otherwise I think those 3 are close to being done.

Before with NO lintel...
After with lintel...


KelvinD said...

I'd not known the term "lintel" before... but those are NICE!

merry said...

What is the purpose of a lintel? they do look nice, good job!!

Old Woman Marine said...

Impressive indeed! Adds a new charm!!