My first workday is done.
Stan and I cooling down from the long hot day.
The view from our room in Panama City, Panama. We stayed here just one night before heading out to Bocas. The city is huge!

The view from the top porch
Well after driving from MN to NH, then flying from NH to Florida, then waiting an extra few days in Florida for new bank cards (the bank totally screwed up our bank cards) an overnight in Panama City we are finally here in Bocas Del Toro. Here are a few photos for ya all.
Hummingbird, right outside our front door
Not sure what type of bird this is, but there are loads of them around the house
Looks very relaxing. (the part after you got there and not the trip)
Where do I go on Google to see Islandpathpanama?
the url is
or I think if you type "surfing in Panama" we are one of the first 5 links that come up.
How are you guys doing?
Sorry, I should have said Google Earth. Maybe you could post a picture there. I have seen other resort and restaurants on Google Earth.
hey, nice to see the pictures. Hope you guys are doing ok, looks that way.
Have you got any furniture yet or are you sleeping on the floor?
How hot does it get there?
Is it really humid.
Took the hats down and looked at them, I forgot how they looked.
Nothing much going on here.
Got my little garden going.
love, mom
Eric - great idea!
we just uploaded one to Google Earth, it says tho it may take up to 10 days to post, so keep an eye out for it :)
We do have a couple pieces of furniture and are sleeping on a mattress on the floor for now. But a new bed is coming next week.
It is exceptionally hot and humid right now, it is tough on my body, but I'm sure I will acclimate in time. Even the locals tho, say it is very hot for this time of year. So hopefully things calm down a bit next month.
I found it ! !
I found it ! ! !
Excellent! I checked too :)
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