
Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas Tree

This year for Christmas Stan and I did something we have never done before - And hey, we are always looking for "firsts" in our relationship, keeps it fun! Sooo now that we have a new window in our kitchen with a view into our backyard we decided to put up Christmas lights on a scrappy old pine tree which otherwise doesn't get much attention.

The husband did a fabulous job assembling the lines of lights in very merry order. This was done while standing on a ladder with a homemade pole which he cleverly designed to assist in proper light placement. I did my best to hold the ladder still and assure a non tangled environment.

Several trips to the store, 10 strings of lights, multiple light sockets and 2 extensions cords later, we had finally finished it. Here is a photo of the final product! Wow, we couldn't believe how much it lit up the yard! It was a hit with the neighbors and we love to see this out our kitchen window :)


Anonymous said...

Oh my God, it's beautiful!!

Old Woman Marine said...

Ahhhh.....That is lovely!!! If you need help doing dishes call me.

Anonymous said...


(yes, still procrastinating)

Old Woman Marine said...

I think you should keep it up all year!