
Sunday, June 27, 2010

06/28/2010 Morning Parrots

Sunday morning, hanging with Stan drinking coffee and slowly waking up. The mornings and the evenings are the most active time for birds, especially the parrots. This morning there were quite a few squawking around outside the deck. These guys are noisy, but they have such an unusual sound, very interesting. As usual, grabbed the camera and snapped some photos.

Can you find the 2 parrots in this picture?

How about now?

Here's looking at cha!

Moved to a new tree so we can get a better view.

Flying away to start their day...see you tomorrow!

Full Moon

Yesterday was a full day, work in the morning, then the neighbors invited us over to watch the World Cup, USA vs. Ghana. Great game, too bad for USA. We then hit the beach for an hour to cool down and relax. Later that evening we hit town for a little dinner, sometimes we just need to get out the house and enjoy the town.

On the way home we noticed how amazing the moon looked. It was reflecting over the water so beautifully of course I didn't have my camera at that moment, but as soon we arrived home I grabbed and snapped some shots.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Howler Monkey

Sorry I've been so long to post something new. A lot has been happening these days, good and bad and some days I'm just too worn out to get out here and update everyone.

This morning we have Howler monkeys right outside our door. They make quite the fuss when the cars drive under them, it's pretty cool to hear them howl. I tried to get a few good close shots, I don't have my tripod, so I was a little shaky, but I think they came out okay. Hope you enjoy.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Stan and Smiley have been reunited

The neighbor down the road had taken Smiley the dog in after Stan left last October. Today they were reunited :)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday Drive

Some photos I took on our Saturday drive, it was a slow overcast day so we jumped in the truck with the camera.

Lots of this flower around here.

This is Playa Big Creek, it's about a mile down from our house.

Playa Big Creek, looking in the other direction. The little hut belongs to the Hotel Playa Tortuga.


Huge Bamboo trees

This is about a mile from our home in the other direction, I love these vines hanging from the tree.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Island Path gets a new path

One of the local guys is helping us with creating a path from our front porch down to the cabana's and then to the driveway. Martin is doing a great job. You would not believe the heat and humidity these guys work in. It's got to be low 90's and humid, humid, humid. He has been digging these trenches all this week. Once the trenches are complete, we will add a block border, level the land, then fill with gravel. Then we can plant some flowers along the side of the path. Right now you can see there are already 3 banana trees planted. It looks like they need some water, it has been HOT!

Today we also planted the pineapple plants that we rec'd from our neighbor a couple of days ago. We will start them in pots then eventually move them to the ground.